Win coaching slots for your Community Club with DPS Group

DPS Group has teamed up with Hearts to give away four clubs the opportunity to participate in a special Football4s festival at the club's training ground.

Hearts have teamed up with DPS Group – long-time supporters of the club’s community football programme – to deliver a special Football 4s festival at the Hearts Football Academy on 9 October.

And for the first time, DPS Group will give away TWO FREE PLACES to both 2009s and 2010s.

Other clubs who are engaged via Hearts’ Scottish FA football development programme will be taking part in a day of inter-club fun for all. 

The details are as follows:

  • Sunday 9 October
  • Hearts Football Academy 
  • For grassroots clubs with Football4s programmes
  • 2009s - 11.15am
  • 2010s - 1pm

Grassroots clubs across Edinburgh, Fife and the Lothians can enter for one of two club places at each session.

Clubs wishing to put themselves forward (who are not part of the existing Hearts programme) should email their details including key contact information to: before 16 September.

Follow the latest news on DPS Group’s community activity via @DPSLocalHeroes on Twitter.

Terms & conditions apply. No travel costs or accommodation provided. If more than two clubs apply a simple prize draw will take place.