Tony's DPS Group Talk

DPS Group internal sales manager Tony Whatley talks us through his life and work.

Name: Tony Whatley

Job title: Internal Sales Manager

Tell us a bit about yourself: 

I’m been married to Christine for 30 glorious years. We’ve got a daughter (28) who is a physiotherapist, and a son (26) who is a PE teacher/semi pro footballer who plays for Arbroath.

Most weekends I can be found cheering on Arbroath where I’ve been known to try to educate the linesman and referee.

We spend many hours walking beaches and hills with our dog Breagha, and I regularly attend the gym which allows me to partake in my other passion - fine red wine!

What do you for DPS Group?

I run the internal sales department which includes preparing quotations, order entry, timely expediting of orders.

I deal with customers on a day to day basis to try and source a cost effective product for their requirements.

That means working in partnership with suppliers to ensure the best possible service.

I also maintain the stockholdings for the sales department to ensure quick moving stock is always on the shelf.

I also drink a lot of coffee!

How long have you worked for DPS Group?

4 years

What do you enjoy about your job?

I enjoy my job because it is very diverse, speaking to lots of different customers sorting out their requests and giving good customer care/

The team at DPS also make it enjoyable always good crack in the office environment.

What would you say to customers considering using DPS Group for their product requirements?

I would say give us a call as we’re very good at fulfilling requirements!

It really doesn’t matter how complicated the project is, the DPS Group team has vast experience, and we work with a varied supply chain, so we’re able to find solutions and good value products.

We’re very much a one-stop shop!

DPS Group has a wide range of products available from some of the biggest suppliers in business. Get in touch with our sales team to find the right solutions for your project.